Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft

I fully intend to continue to address airworthiness and the fact the Army and the other agencies ignore the industrial/world standards and guidance for aviation software.

The Army's sole purpose is to obstruct.  I have submitted numerous FOIA requests to the Army to have them assign a number and then never responding after accepting the request or denying it based on fabricated objections [lies] that have no bearing on the documents requested.  I know this for a fact since I worked on the programs and quite familiar with the documents.  All of which I have documented here.

The Air Force is just a guilty as the Army and I plan a future posting documenting that. As for as the Navy heck yeah they are guilty I over saw the Navy Black Hawk engine procurements (done by the Army) so they are just as guilty as the Army. 

An additional common failure of the Army is procuring the documents required to insure airworthiness compliance let alone even contracting it.  On one engine contract with General Electric (GE) I pointed out the contract stated DO-178B to which he replied we didn't bid on that.  WTF?

It has taken many months and numerous correspondences defending my request to get to this point you see below.  I'm simply requesting the Airworthiness Qualification Plan (AQP) for the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) an unclassified document supplied to the contractors delineating the airworthiness requirements for the FARA. The AQP would delineate the software airworthiness requirements.  I'll keep you posted on how this turns out.


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